What Is a Hybrid Strain?

Picture this: You and your friends just sat down for a smoke session. You ask them which type of bud they want to smoke. Someone suggests the energizing effects of a sativa strain. Another person requests something more mellow, like an indica strain. You reach for your bowl but you can’t decide which strain to pack it with—you like both!

The good news is you don’t have to choose. Although it seems there is a dichotomy between these two categories of strains, there is a way to enjoy the benefits of both in one smoke session. Hybrid strains contain genes from both sativa and indica. They are created by crossing a male plant of one strain with the female plant of the other strain. The hybridized result combines the effects of both, producing a truly elevated experience. 

Hybrid strains have actually been around on the cannabis market for quite some time now. In fact, finding a true purebred indica or sativa is less common. Instead, cannabis growers have started to master the hybridization process, creating indica-dominant or sativa-dominant strains. Understanding the spectrum of hybrid strains can help you personalize your cannabis-smoking experience and meet the preferences of everyone in your group.

If you find yourself having a difficult time choosing between sativa and indica, the good news is that you can enjoy the best of both worlds with a hybrid strain. Some people prefer the energizing effects of sativa strains, while others enjoy the sense of calm from smoking an indica strain. Some people like to experience both at the same time. If you haven’t tried one, Mile High Dispensary has hybrid strains both for medical and recreational use. Check out our store to discover them for yourself or contact us with any questions!

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